Lemony Lima BeanS
Wash and soak beans overnight. Strain and replace with fresh filtered water. Boil with kombu till soft, then add sea salt and cook for 7 more minutes. Optional: use canned beans. Mash beans by hand or in a food processor to a thick creamy consistency while adding the rest of the ingredients and toward the end add tamari and lemon juice to taste. The cream can be stored in a cool place. Use it as a dip for veggies or crackers or as a spread.
Wash and soak beans overnight. Strain and replace with fresh filtered water. Boil with kombu till soft, then add sea salt and cook for 7 more minutes. Optional: use canned beans. Mash beans by hand or in a food processor to a thick creamy consistency while adding the rest of the ingredients and toward the end add tamari and lemon juice to taste. The cream can be stored in a cool place. Use it as a dip for veggies or crackers or as a spread.